Work Package 7 “ICT”
WP7. ICT backbone for FAIR data management
Responsible partner: Deltares (G.-J. Schotmeijer)
Collecting, storing, aggregating, documenting and distributing the vast amount of data that will be generated by the D-ENIGMA infrastructure, is a key objective of the system as a whole. Following open science and FAIR principles, the main principles of the data-infrastructure are:
- Data gained by the observation activities will be centrally stored in the D-ENIGMA data base (Data Storage Layer). Data generated by the labs, including the PROD facility, will be stored locally because usually extensive data gathering and storage facilities are already in place for the labs. Data underlying any publications from these lab studies will be distributed through the D-ENIGMA website.
- All data stored will be extensively documented in a metadatabase, following rules and conventions of SeaDataNet ( These metadata will be searchable through the data portal, and will guide users to the downloadable data sets (Data Exploration Layer).
- The D-ENIGMA database will be linked to databases holding other data of importance for the analysis of D-ENIGMA data (e.g. Rijkswaterstaat monitoring data) and to the DANUBIUS-RI data system (Data Federation Layer).
- The ICT architecture will make maximal use of existing infrastructure, e.g. SURF (, and existing systems for FAIR retrieval of data (e.g. SeaDataNet).
- A uniform open-source package will be developed with which data from all D-ENIGMA instruments can be read out, quality-controlled, documented with metadata, packaged in uniform data structures, and uploaded to central storage.